So you've got a dog, and you just think he is the cutest dog in the world. You feed him, walk him, and give him all of the cuddles he could ever desire. You got him all the toys he will need (and probably a few he doesn't need), bought a cute little bed, took him to training classes, and even bought little outfits. All the classic signs of a dog mom. If you are confused and not sure, look no further! Here is a definitive list to decide how far you've ventured into crazy dog motherhood.
1. You never call them by their actual name.
Your dog has at least 30 alternate names at any given moment.
2. You’ve called home specifically to talk to/Facetime them.
You call them at least once a week while you're at school, just to make sure they are not feeling abandoned.
4. When you talk about them to people without dogs, they get a bit concerned.
Don't worry, they just don't get how wonderful your dog is.
5. You have over 300 pictures of them on your phone.
How could you not? They are the cutest!
6. They are your baby, even when they are, like, 90 pounds.
No matter what they're always going to be cute and little in your mind.
8. You google every little thing they eat to make sure it’s okay.
And honestly, you've spent $60 to talk on the phone to animal poison control, just to make sure.
9. You refer to them as a member of your family.
They're probably the main event on your family's holiday card.
10. You’d rather hang out with your dog than with most people.
You've probably canceled plans because watching a movie on the couch surrounded by your dogs sounds better.
11. You’ve spent hundreds of dollars on dog toys.
Because your dog either destroys, gets bored of, or loses all of the other toys they had.
12. You feel guilty when you come home smelling like another dog.
They always know where you've been.
13. You get worried whenever they make a weird noise.
You've taken them to the vet for more things than anyone can justify.
14. Your dog has more outfits than you do.
Seamus, the Bat-dog
Katie DeMedio
They're always dressed for the occasion.
If you have any or all of these symptoms, Congratulations! You're a crazy dog mom. Thankfully, there is no cure, and you're going to love your dogs forever.