It's no secret that dogs are one of the greatest gifts to humankind. They're our best friends who love us unconditionally. When we go away to school, sometimes dogs are our hardest goodbyes. To make things worse, we can't talk to our pups on the phone like we can with our human friends and family. That's what makes it so much more special when we can finally come home and see our loyal fluffy friends in real life. Sometimes, there's nothing better.
1. There is nothing quite like seeing your dog's face light up when you first walk in the door.
The joy on your dog's face as he or she runs to greet you when you walk in the door is like nothing else. They are just so so so excited to see you, and it truly makes you feel so special and loved.
2. You don't even mind them slobbering all over you
My dog specifically is a big fan of giving kisses. As soon as I get home, he will not stop licking me because he just wants to show me how excited he is to see me. After a while, it will get annoying, but at first, it's just a reminder that he loves me.
3. The nice coat of dog hair all over you doesn't bother you either
I have a golden retriever, and he SHEDS. I can usually never wear clothing or any fleece material because sooner or later, I'll be wearing a nice coat of fur. But when I first get home, that layer of blonde dog hair covering my clothes doesn't bother me one bit. I mean, lint rollers exist for a reason, right?
4. Taking them for walks doesn't seem like a chore anymore
I'll admit, I'm not a fan of taking my dog for a walk too often. But when I get home, it doesn't seem like a job. Instead, it's quality time that I get to spend with my favorite pupper.
5. You don't mind them constantly bothering you to pet them and show them attention
Sometimes, my dog will not ever leave me alone. He'll paw at me while I'm trying to eat or watch TV or lick me when I'm trying to get work done. Occasionally, it annoys me when I'm trying to concentrate or get something done, but when I come home from school, I cannot get enough attention from my dog. Maybe I'm just as needy as he is.
6. Snuggling with them while they take up 3/4 of the bed is the best thing ever
Dogs are the biggest bed hogs, but that's why we love them. It's common knowledge that as humans, we come second to our fluffy best friends, so we must not disturb them when they take up almost the entire bed. But that's okay; we just get closer snuggles.
7. They become your favorite passenger when driving around
I know this usually doesn't apply to all dogs, but I know that mine absolutely loves traveling in the car. And I love to travel with him; he makes for a great driving companion. When I'm home, I find any excuse to take my dog with me when I drive places.
8. You're more likely to sneak them some people food more often
Guilty! I'm not going to lie, I always sneak my dog some food or give him my leftovers after dinner. Dogs do a lot for us, so they deserve some extra treats.
9. You can't ever stop telling them how cute they are because they truly are the best friend you could ever have.
Dogs are truly a blessing, and I swear they get cuter each time you see them. If only pups could read so they could know how much we appreciate them.