Dogs are a gift that we, humans, do not deserve. They are man's, and woman's, best friend and they love us both equally. A lot of people seem to think that feminist is women hating men or wanting to be better than men. Well, that is not the case, at least in my definition of the word. So wouldn't that mean everyone is a feminist? I know I am and my dog most certainly is too. Why? Well, let me tell you.
1. She wears pinkÂ
Pink isn't just for girls, but we can proudly wear it without it being a gender norm.
2. She's protective
She rightfully guards her people even if the threat isn't yet known, aka a deer in the back yard or the ups man dropping off a package. But hey, she's still got your back.
3. She doesn't like being pushed around
That other dog stiffing her butt didn't ask if he could and she is not happy about it.
4. She gets excited about the little victories
We're going for a walk? YAY. I get a cookie? YAY. Basic human rights? YAY.
5. Everyone's the same to her
She's not picky about where her belly scratches come from.
6. She loves people
She might bark when you first walk through the door but she warms up pretty quickly if you prove you can be trusted.
7. She's a good listener
Ears perked up and head tilted to the side? You can discuss anything with her, no judgement.
8. She knows her place
And that is not in the kitchen... unless there's a chance that food will be dropped on the floor while cooking dinner.
9. She's supportive
Always down for a cuddle session when you need one.
10. She senses wrong doing
Something's not right? She knows it and so do you.
Still confused? It's not that difficult. My dog is a feminist. That's it.