Dogs are the most important creatures to ever walk this planet. We truly do not deserve them. In our happiest times and our darkest times, they are always here for us - licking us, cuddling us, allowing us to pet them for hours. Happy? Pet a dog. Sad? Pet a dog. Here are eight reasons why every household needs a dog or seven.
1. They make excellent house guardians.
No need to be scared when you're home alone or you hear a ruckus in the middle of the night. Dogs are always there to protect you. They'll bark at the slightest noise or go after an attacker 10 times their size. Just to protect you. Would your cat do that? Didn't think so.
2. They clean up your food related messes for you.
The best type of vacuum cleaner is a dog. Did you spill your popcorn on the floor? You're dog knows and is on the way to clean it up. Did you drop some chocolate on the floor? This is the one thing dogs aren't good for. Don't let them get your chocolate. They'll die. Moving on.
3. You can say literally anything, and they will get excited about it.
Say anything to your dog in a higher voice than your own and with a goofy grin on your face, and they will give you all of the licks.
4. They will lay in bed with you.
Being single is a great reason to get a dog. Your dog will snuggle right up to you, and you'll never be lonely in bed again. Even if you're in a relationship, I'm sure your bed is big enough for a third party. You know what they say...two is a party but three is a crowd. And who doesn't love a crowd if 1/3 of it is made up of dog.
5. They know when you're sad.
You think you're really good at hiding your feelings. Get a dog and you'll see how wrong you are.
6. They'll never tell your secrets.
Remember in high school when you told your alleged best friend one of your deepest, darkest secrets and then she went on to tell it to someone else about thirty minutes after she promised you she wouldn't? Don't you wish you would've had this article back then so you knew to tell your secret to your dog instead. It's genius, I know.
7. They'll help you stay in shape.
You have to walk your dog! You have to play with your dog! You have to chase your dog around the house to catch it to give it a bath! Want to get in shape? Look no further. Dogs are proven to work 100% better than Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig!
8. They will never leave your side.
Dogs are the most loyal creatures that exist. You could accidentally trip on them and kick them across the room, and they would still love you just as hard as before.
I don't know how humans got lucky enough to have dogs as our best friends. In the wise words of Stephanie Tanner (Fuller House), "'Must've been an angel,' *single piano chord*."