Surprisingly, not everyone in this world is a dog person.
This baffles me – what's not to love? It seems to me that dogs are the whole package: kind, smart (at least in the important ways), happy, and full of love. In case you aren't quite convinced yet, here are nine reasons why you should convert to being a dog person.
1. They come in so many shapes and sizes
Dogs are masters of variety.
Want a tiny dog that you can carry around with you at all times? They have those. Want a giant fluffy dog that you can wrap your arms around and snuggle? They also exist. The possibilities are endless.
2. They motivate you to exercise
Dogs need a walk every day, which means that you have to get up every day and walk with them. No more staying in bed as late as possible, time to get up and break a sweat with your fur-baby.
3. They make you more social
I don't know about you all, but when I see someone with a dog in public, I am 10 times more likely to approach them - to pet the dog, of course, but I talk to their human out of courtesy.
4. They're so excited to see you
There's no better feeling than coming home after a long day and seeing your dog so genuinely thrilled that you're back.
5. You'll never be lonely
Dogs can be incredibly needy for attention, so you'll always have company.
6. They're a lot nicer than humans (and a lot of other animals, too)
Their affection comes with no strings attached. Crazy, right?
7. They can help you through hard times
Dogs are therapeutic! They are known to help people through anxiety, trauma, health problems, and countless other things. They're supportive when you need them the most and know how to love you when you need it the most.