Who doesn’t love dogs? Frankly, bad people. There are exceptions but, let’s be honest, they’re so few and far between that you have better odds of going a week without metro delays than finding a nice person that doesn’t like dogs. So without further ado let’s examine why exactly we all like dog people.
1. Dog people are compassionate.
They care about something other than themselves… like a lot. Have you ever met someone with a dog that didn’t think their furry friend was the best thing since sliced bread?
2. People with dogs are more fun.
Why? Because dogs are more fun. Dogs like to do fun stuff so their people like to do fun stuff with them.
3. Dog friends are the best kind of friends.
There are friends, there are best friends, and then there are dog friends. Dog friends do fun stuff like all dog people do, and while you’re doing that fun stuff you get to play with their fluffy friend. Also dog friends get you; they know when you see a dog on the street that your only option is to stop what you’re doing and pet them. And that doesn’t bother your dog friends because they’re petting the dog too.
4. Dog people are more accepting.
They’re forced to be this way because undoubtedly their dog is weird. All dogs are weird in their own way but we love them anyway. I mean look how cute they are even when they’re drooling on themselves and running into walls.
Here's a video to prove how cute they are, even when they're a little off. http://dylansdogblog.tumblr.com/post/141560233076/...
5. Owning a dog is like always wearing a sign that says “go ahead, be friends with me.”
When other people see you with a dog you are 8,398,237,239,728 times more approachable. That’s a statistical fact, trust me, I took AP Statistics in high school. (OK, I'm kidding about the statistical fact).
6. Dog's make the best wing-men.
Because you have a dog and you’re more approachable, striking up a conversation that good looking guy or girl at the coffee shop is 9,198,133,123 times easier.
7. If you don’t like dogs, what do you like?
Cats are boring, bunnies run away, birds are loud, nobody wants to hug your pet porcupine, and if you have a thing for snakes I automatically don’t trust you (yes that means you and your Voldemort lookin' self).
8. Dog people like other dog people and that brings you lots of benefits.
You're a dog person, I'm a dog person, I think we're going to get along great. Oh you happen to be hiring? Even better.
9. Dogs spread happiness like wildfire.
Sure your house is covered in dog hair and so are your clothes but nobody cares because puppy! Anyone who enters your home leaves in a better mood, even grumpy Aunt Gertrude.
10. If you still don’t think dog people are the best kind of people think about this…
You probably are a dog person even if you don’t consider yourself one already. How do I know? Watch or read "Marley and Me,"…and try not to cry….Exactly.
My brother may have some questionable opinions however this is one I can certainly get behind. Dogs are great and people are mostly great so therefore people who love dogs are the greatest kind of people. It’s science.