College is often reflected on as the best time of one’s life since you have the opportunity to find yourself and try new things as well as get to taste freedom without having to be a full fledged adult. However, during these college years I have probably never felt more lost. Oh, and let’s not forget about the mental breakdowns that happen almost every other day. Luckily, I have found that what gets me through it all is my dog, Indigo. Indigo is a registered Emotional Support Animal (ESA), but even without the title, she helps me in ways I never could have imagined. It isn’t until I look back on the time we shared that I realize how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished. I adopted Indigo at the end of my sophomore year in college. Despite some disapproving friends and relatives, it was easily the best decision I made. I would recommend getting a dog to anyone, but it is especially benefiting for college students.
1. My dog is the reason I get out of bed every morning: There’s no doubt that dogs are the best alarm clock. Have you seen those YouTube videos of dogs waking up their owners? If not, check it out! Almost every morning I wake up to the constant thud of her paw smacking my bed until I get up and feed her. The responsibility of taking care of someone other than myself is why I continue to move forward. If I don’t get out of bed, I’m not just ignoring my own health, but hers as well.
2. My dog takes my mind off of the bombarding negativity that invades my mind: College isn’t supposed to be easy, but it also shouldn’t be nearly impossible to get through. Well, if you’re anything like me then you can easily become overwhelmed. When I’m stressed I struggle with the contradicting thoughts in my head. I’m constantly at battle with myself leaving me to feel drained with this overwhelmingly confusing mind of mine. When I warm up next to my dog, my thoughts wash away, a calming energy rushes over me so that in this moment I can finally experience peace.
3. My dog is all I need: I don’t need a significant other to coddle me and make me feel worthy. That’s my dog’s job…and she’s the best cuddle buddy EVER. So, I’m not wasting my time to make someone else happy or having meet any ones expectations. I’ve got my own and I know that is enough to carry on with my responsibilities.4. My dog keeps me sane: I suffer from panic attacks. When I have a panic attack it’s like my chest is caving and my lungs can’t swell past the anxiety. Except when my dog licks the tears away it’s as if she’s taking the pressure off too. Finally, I can breathe again. Unfortunately, I feel like many college students suffer from debilitating anxiety that just prevents us from being the best we can, but Indigo helps me push through those week moments and gets me back on track quickly.
5. My dog goes everywhere with me: I take her on road trips, hiking, camping, etc. Since she’s an ESA, I’m able to fly with her and she is probably the best passenger any flight has had. Indigo even runs quick errands with me to CVS or the Starbucks drive through because having that constant company is undeniably comforting.
If you have the time and money to take care of a dog then do it because the amount of love and sense of peace you get is beyond worth it. If not, then I would recommend getting a cat or fish...maybe. But, if it weren’t for Indigo, I don’t know where I’d be, but I’m sure I wouldn’t be toughing it out until my senior year and managing myself at the same time. I have to give credit for all my success to her. Of course, friends and family have helped as well, but Indigo diffuses all the emotional distress that I feel every college student suffers from.