Your 20s are a time of exploration. You are learning how to find yourself. From your plans to your hands, everything is up in the air. You fly by the seat of your pants just trying not to fall off the rollercoaster that is life. Here are the reasons why a dog makes a killer plus one on this journey.
"I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall by my Squishy. Come on, Squishy. Come on, little Squishy."
1. They are always there to binge eat junk food with you.
What are carbs?
2. They make you feel like the most important person in the whole wide world.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
3. They keep all your secrets.
4. You will always have a running buddy.
# Motivation.
5. They will also be right there by your side on the days when you aren't feeling the gym.
6. They have their Snapchat faces ready.
8. They are always dressed & ready for any occasion.
9. They are better than any alarm clock you could ever buy.
"Get up. I'm ready to play."
10. They are top-notch Hide-and-Go-Seek partners.
No one will see you now.
11. They don't judge. They understand the days when you "can't even."
12. They help you watch your calories by literally watching you eat.
One for you, one for me. Got it?
12. Even the most mundane activities are a reason to smile.
13. You will never sleep alone ever again.
They aren't sleeping in your bed, you are sleeping in theirs. Get it right.
14. You always have a partner in crime.
You jump, I jump. No questions asked.
15. You learn to love unconditionally, which may at times require unconditional patience as well.
16. They make sure to get your spills so you are alway's lookin' your best.
17. They don't care if you are up to date on what is cool.
"Since you don't have a phone now you have more time to play with me."
18. They think all your ideas are genius.
19. They love you to the moon and back.
We are their person, just as much as they are our dog.
20. They lead by example.
All of these reasons are why you feel so strongly when people say "it's just a dog".
Because they are most certainly not just a dog to you.