My best friend just so happens to have four legs and a tail. I'm talking about my three-year-old, forty pound beagle named Vinny. He has changed my life completely. I didn't know how a dog could change a person's life for the better. When I was younger I was scared of dogs, but he broke that stigma I had against them. He is one of the best things that have walked into my life. These are some of the reasons why dogs are the best pets ever.
1. They always want to be by your side and cuddle.
2. They love going for car rides and sticking their head out the window.
3. They like to even drive themselves.
4. They look adorable in sweaters or jerseys.
5. They love getting pupa-chinos which are a cup of whipped cream from Dunkin' Donuts.
6. They have cute dog friends/cousins.
7. They steal your spot on your bed.
8. They are on neighborhood watch 24/7.
9. They like to swim in the pool.
10. They make the best prom dates.
Having a dog has been one of the best things ever. He is my best friend. He will listen to me cry and even vent about my day. He's the first person I go to when I have exciting news! He has been there through the bad and the good times. I wouldn't have wanted to spend these last three years with anyone else. I can't wait to see how the rest of our time together goes. I miss you so much and can't wait to see your furry face when I'm home.