Finals week is a dreaded week for college students. When the only thing that is standing between you and freedom is exams, projects and papers, it's hard to stay motivated all throughout the week. And if your grade depends on these finals? The stress is immeasurable. Fortunately, there are wonderful, furry creatures that exist to help with the chaos that is finals week. If you can't find any dogs on campus that you can pet the stress away with, then looking at the following gifs will be the next best thing. Here's some helpful pups that will get you through finals week!
1. Make sure you're hitting the books early instead of cramming the night before your exam.
2. Pay attention to the study guides so don't miss any easy questions.
3. Get together with a friend or a study group and work on preparing together.
4. And take study breaks to let your mind unwind.
5. It's helpful to exercise and stay active if you're stressed.
6. But don't be afraid to treat yo 'self, because calories don't count during finals week.
7. Get your 8 hours of sleep too, so you're not dozing off during your exams.
8. And don't freak out if the first question on your exam is difficult.
9. Just be confident in yourself, because you've got this.
10. Before you know it, exams will be over and you'll be free!
11. Can I be attacked by puppies instead of exams?