10. So then you go home just to see your dog | The Odyssey Online
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13 'Ruff' Realities Anyone Who Wants A Dog, But Doesn't Need A Dog, Faces Every Day

It's a sad reality.

13 'Ruff' Realities Anyone Who Wants A Dog, But Doesn't Need A Dog, Faces Every Day
Victoria Tarkington

I love animals. I wanted to be a vet when I grow up, so of course, I love animals. I also want a dog, but sadly I am in college. Deep down I know I probably don't need a dog, but that doesn't mean I don't want one. If I had to guess, many of you reading this are like me and want nothing more than to have a dog to call your own, but you also know that wouldn't be a wise choice for many reasons. Here are 13 realities that we, dog owner wannabes, face every day.

1. Your heart skips a beat anytime you see a dog


You gotta soak up every second you get to spend with a dog, because each second is a blessing to you.

2. You call your mom to ask for a dog every chance you get


"Hey mom, so I know you said no last time, but I really think a dog would be a good addition to my life."

3. And then you cry because she told you "no"... again


How dare she deprive you of your happiness??

4. You scan the internet daily to see all the dogs you could be giving your love to


It's torture seeing all those dogs in need of homes, but you just can't stop yourself.

5. You calculate how much money you would need to take care of a dog


Maybe if you just don't eat dinner for two weeks a month then you might have enough to cover the vet bills associated with owning a dog.

6. You silently judge everyone who does have a dog


It must be nice to come back to a four legged fur ball of love every day, huh?

7. You start to miss your dog from back home

8. But you secretly wish you were them


Okay yep you caught me. You lucky duck, I really wish I owned your dog.

9. You realize you really miss your dog from back home


Surely you would get your dog fix if you could just see your dog from home.

10. So then you go home just to see your dog


They're great, but you know you're gonna have to leave them after the weekend is over.

11. You contemplate bringing your dog with you back to college 


That might be the greatest idea you've ever had in all your life.

12. Ultimately, you know it wouldn't be wise for you to bring a dog into your life right now


As bad as you might want one, you have to accept that it wouldn't be fair to you or the dog to adopt one at this point in your life because you wouldn't be able to give it the life it deserves.

13. So you just keep loving on everyone else's dog until the day you get your own


You might not have a dog, but you can still spread your love for pups around to all the dogs you are lucky enough to encounter.

I, like many people, really wish I had a dog. But unfortunately, now is just not a time when I am prepared to own a dog. If you are going through this, know you're not alone. Our day will come. So until then, love every dog you meet to ensure you get plenty of practice for when you own your own someday. Because dogs are really wonderful creatures who deserve all the love in the world.

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