Having a “Beware of Dog" or "No Trespassing" sign on your property in the USA does not automatically provide any special legal protections from liability for dog bites and other injuries.
Dog Bite Injury Cases & "Beware Of Dog" Signs
Having a “Beware of Dog" or "No Trespassing" sign on your property in the USA does not automatically provide any special legal protections from liability for dog bites and other injuries. Although there are several ways that these signs may be useful in legal proceedings, "Beware of Dog," andtrespassing signs can also harm an injury victim’s case. Read on to learn more about whether a “Beware of Dog” sign is helpful or hurtful to injury cases, such as those involving dog bites.
The “Beware of Dog” sign is not as helpful here as in other states.
New Jersey recognizes that it is unfair to make a dog bite victim prove that the owner knew their dog was dangerous. New Jersey law holds dog owners strictly liable for the actions of their dogs, regardless of whether or not the dog had a history of biting and whether or not there was a "Beware of Dog" sign on the owner's property. If a dog in New Jersey has injured you, you may be able to recover compensation from the owner without proving anything more than that their dog bit you.
The "Beware of Dog" sign could be used against you.
The number of dog bite victims in the US alone is estimated to be well into the millions every year. One thing that might come up in court if you decide to pursue an injury claim against a dog's owner is whether you had notice of the risk of being bitten by that dog and willingly assumed that risk. Some people go wrong in believing that having a "Beware Of Dog" sign posted on the property can adequately protect them from liability. But it does not work that way, and having such a sign could even be used against you when it comes to the question of responsibility.