Starting my first year of college this semester has been filled with seeing people on social media at parties almost, from what it feels like, every weekend. If this is the lifestyle you want to live, go for it, I'm NOT judging you at any costs. Don't get me wrong, it's always good to go out and have fun every once in a while, and I'm totally okay with doing it sometimes but going out every weekend to party is just not for me. It's never been how I've wanted to be, and I'll always stand by that.
I just don't want to be spending my money on things drinks all the time when I have other priorities, because alcohol, for the most part, is expensive. I just don't want to be the one that has partying be the biggest aspect of my life, but I also feel like I don't want to be the one that is going to be alone if I don't go.
It just gets aggravating when it gets to the point where I feel like I can't hang out with people unless it's going out to party. It gets aggravating when you're labeled by the adults in your life that you're automatically immature because you're in college. It gets aggravating hearing the thoughts to some adults when all they say is that all we do is "like to party", because there's actually a good chunk of us that don't like to.
College students are actually some of the hardest working people you'll meet, even the ones that do always go out to party to enjoy their weekends.
It gets aggravating because there's also that other big chunk of college students that, of course, go out to party on their weekends. It feels harder to actually find people that genuinely would like to go do something else with. I'm the type of person that would rather spend a Friday night doing things like going to the mall, taking random Target trips, heading out to Taco Bell, going driving to any random new places that we could find, going for a walk, and even if it's something like casually smoking a joint at your house as we watch a movie.
Anything other than just going over a persons house to get black out drunk all the time, because most of the time as well, it's really dangerous late at night in those situations. I just enjoy that type of change of always trying different things.
Like I said, of course it's OKAY to have fun and go out, go for it, but that type of life is genuinely not for me and it's not how I am. It just sucks when I have to always feel like I'm in that stereotype. It makes me feel like I don't work hard enough and that I always go slack off, which isn't the case whatsoever. It's just how I feel personally and it sucks that I have to feel like that in 2018, with how diverse each person is compared to one another. For me, I just look at it as, why go out and risk something happening when you can just stay home, relax, and just watch some House Hunters or something?