I hear talk every day about people who are unsatisfied, unfulfilled and really don’t like their job, but they stay stuck in a career because it's safe and secure. It’s safe, but it's not truly want they want in this life. The truth is people have trouble stepping out of their comfort zones. People are scared to take a leap of faith, so they continue to stay at jobs that they really don’t like. Waking up morning after morning to a job to you hate is not the way to live a fulfilling life. You're actually stressing yourself out by going to a job you dislike.
Your career should match your mission. A mission is simply what you were meant to do in this world. Ask yourself, what were you created to do in this world? What is a career that you would love to have that does not feel like work? This is a deep subject, so ask yourself these three questions if you are interested to find a career that reflects your mission.
What is the number one thing you are passionate about in your life? Your passion will lead you to discover your mission. Your passion is so easy to discover! It's simply what you are naturally good at. If you have no idea about your passion, simply look at what you do day to day that you really enjoy. What do you do in your free time? (Happy hour does not count!) I'm inviting you to dig deeper to see what actually lights you up day to day.
What type of impact do you want to have on others in this lifetime? Everything we do in this lifetime is helping someone else have a better life. No matter if you want to be a high school football coach, a website designer, or even an entertainer. Any job that we have has an impact on someone else’s life. Just think about what is the best way that you can serve and have an impact. If you have no idea where to start, I suggest you starting journaling to find out what impact you want to have on others.
What is one thing you would love to do if you didn’t get paid for it? Just imagine money is the reward for doing something you love. What type of career would it be for you? When you have a career that you love, money is just the icing on the cake.
I know that my career would be empowering and inspiring women. The greatest gift I gave to myself was enrolling myself into a life coaching certificate program. I knew this would be the platform I needed to live out my mission in this world. I love helping, socializing, serving and empowering women to be the best versions of themselves.
So I ask you, what will it take for you to find a career that you love? Is finding a career that you love and enjoy worth it to you?