College students, who do go to class, often find themselves slipping from the grips of their professor's hold. Is this their fault? Not at all, but their is a person who controls why this happens. The professor. Many reading this might say that this is false and it's up to the students to pay attention, but how can one pay attention in class when a professor's attitude isn't the best?
The longer I've been here in college, the more and more I start to see just how much a professor's attitude effects a student's work. Now first things first, a student does have to be the one to pay attention, but if the professor is getting an attitude because he/she has had a rough morning, this will discourage the student. The student will get a whiff of the attitude and automatically begin to shut off.
A professor is only human yes, but they are a teacher, a philosopher and there is no excuse as to why their personal problems should reflect onto their class. If they have a situation that is altering their mood for the day, then they should take a step back and/or a day off. A college student is like a child. They mimic what they see from their professor and seeing an aggravated, distant professor is a taste they don't want in their mouth.
I am in a class currently where the teacher has not been taking charge of her students. She willingly allows for assignments to be pushed back and she is often late or never in class. She's also a late grader and very rarely gives out good grades. The way she runs this classroom surely shows. Some students have poor grades and I am currently the tutor for most of the students in both of her English classes. The student's hate coming to class and they very rarely do the work on time since they know for a fact she will push it back.
These are not good skills or attitudes for any students or professors to have. This type of attitude rubs off and it's even harder to shake off. In order to get students motivated for work and eager to learn more you have to give off an attitude that encourages everyone to be the best and do their best.
So, does a professor's attitude have an effect on a student's work? Yes it does. It will make a student refuse to work and possibly drop the professor's class. How can we end this? By represent an attitude that is worth catching.