Does Manifestation Actually Work? | The Odyssey Online
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Does Manifestation Actually Work?

Manifestation is becoming very popular for people to get the outcomes that they want, but is it all just a sham?

Does Manifestation Actually Work?
Photo by Snapwire

Much like the Law of Attraction, a manifestation is a way to use your thoughts and energy to create the outcome that you want. Though, the main question is, does manifestation actually work. Well being a firm believer in the Law of Attraction, I decided to give manifestation a whirl.

I first turned to YouTube to try and find a video that could explain to me how you would even go about manifestation. Something that caught my eye was this video that was titled "How To Manifest a Text Message", immediately I wanted to try it out. So I followed the video where the guy in the video instructed me to first meditate, get myself in a state where I could not hear what was around me, and nothing was on my mind.

He then said for me to pick off my whole and think of the specific person that I wanted a message from. Imagining their name popping up on my phone, the feeling I would get when I saw it and then what I would want it to say. Then the next step is to cup your hands over your eyes, then open your eyes. After that imagine streaks of light going from the palms of your hand into your head, if that makes any kind of sense. And then the final and most important step is to stop thinking about it and block it out of your mind.

I thought this was absolutely crazy until I read the comment section where people were saying that out of the blue they heard from people in their lives that they would never imagine hearing from again.

The most important part of manifestation is to actually believe that it will work, and have faith that something like this could happen. So that is exactly what I did, I told myself that this was going to work for me, and then I put the manifestation out of my mind from that point on. There is no given time period for when this is going to work. So about a week later I got a snapchat from who I manifested.

It was from my ex, a relationship cut much too short, and was just at the wrong time in our lives, so I just felt that I needed to hear from him. The snapchat was just a picture of himself, no context nothing. Obviously, I was so happy, but it was so random, it seemed as if he was like "hm I feel like I should snapchat Anna", it was really just that random and out of nowhere.

So it worked for me and it seems like many other people. But I can't help but think sometimes that if I manifest communication, am I almost forcing them to do something that they would not regularly do. But then I just relate it to the Law of Attraction. I am just exerting my own energy into something that I want, and it is up to them to decide to take me up on my offer.

I know this all sounds silly but I really love to do this stuff. As someone that has a constant fear of how things are going to turn out, or what the universe is going to do to me. It feels good to feel that I am controlling a bit of my fate and stirring it in the direction that I really want.

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