Recently we have had some pretty sad news come out in the media about our favorite couples finally calling it off and getting a divorce. First it was Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner (better known as Bennifer) and now Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert. I feel like I went from seeing these couples happily together at some award show to now out of nowhere splitting up. This just leads me to wonder if love that lasts a lifetime still exists or it is all just temporary.
Divorce rates are at an all time high. The American Psychological Association reported that 40 to 50 percent of all marriages will end in a divorce. I don't know about you, but I really do not like those odds. When I imagine the rest of my life, I picture spending it with one person. I think the rest of you have the same intentions so why is there only a 50/50 chance that we will stay married to that person?
During my first semester at Boise State I sat in my philosophy class for four weeks reading articles about why monogamy does not exist. The authors said that it isn't natural and that we are supposed to be with multiple partners. If that's true then how have my grandparents been together for a solid 59 years and my parents for 25 years. Were they just the rare exception or are they the example we should all be following?
Their marriages have by no means been perfect. They have had their up's and down's and have had to work really hard at it. It's about compromise and never forgetting why you chose that person in the first place. I truly believe that this love still exits, but we have all just gotten lazy. Has society taught us that it is okay to just give up? Of course in circumstances of abuse it is okay to leave for your safety, but what about every other situation? If something isn't working you are supposed to try an fix it and not just walk away.
I really hope that we can flip this situation around and not just continue to make divorce a normal thing. I think at the end of the day all anyone wants is to love and to be loved, and I believe that can happen with just one person. We should always remember that it is for better or for worse, not just for when it is convenient.