With looming tasks constantly running through my mind, I can feel the stress beginning to creep in. School is starting again soon, work demands excellence, and it seems as though there is a heaping pile of responsibilities waiting to get done. Most rational people would choose to tackle their stresses by completing their many assignments immediately--which is smart right? Or, you could wait until those responsibilities must absolutely be completed by 11:59 p.m. on a Sunday and find a little distraction to pass the time. Distractions are simple, they can easily waste time and it isn't difficult to do that. Well, as told by The Office, there are many different faucets in which one could easily let the time fly. Here is how you can avoid your responsibilities.
1. Playing pranks
Like Jim and Dwight, playing office pranks could be entertaining for not just yourself but others. Constantly taunting Dwight, Jim has a sense of self-satisfaction and manages to use minimal effort. Whether it's dressing in the same outfit, directing Dwight's phone calls to himself, or switching out Dwight's desk supplies with wrapping paper, he finds endless ways to entertain his boredom. On many occasions, Jim explains the simplicity of his pranks and the work he avoids while doing them.
2. Throwing parties
I'm sure someone's birthday is coming up; the next one is two weeks away? Oh well, let's just celebrate now! However before the party can begin, there must be a Party Planning Committee to diligently plan it. Now if that means utilizing countless working hours to spend on a frivolous office party, why not? Not only do you avoid responsibilities at the party, if you're on the committee itself that's just another win.
3. Weird and random activities
If something were to happen to one of your peers, you'd be there for them and offer your support but that's about it. In Michael Scott's office, he chooses to become highly involved with his fellow workers and creates unnecessary events to bond. Rather than focus on important assignments from corporate, Michael insists on procrastinating with mindless activities. For example, in order to avoid work Michael and Dwight had a karate battle at Dwight's dojo. Clearly they managed to avoid that day's work.
Thanks to The Office we found some awesome ways to get distracted from all of those responsibilities that are piling up. Sometimes it is good to find some distractions and get lost. With so many responsibilities waiting for you, why not enjoy the moment you're in? And of course, always ask yourself- what would The Office cast do?