If you know me at all, you know I document nearly everything, ranging from me walking to class, to my favorite performance at a concert, or even my dog sleeping. I constantly write down my thoughts and feelings and little blurbs that come into my head into a special journal, dated with the specific day and time. I am always on Snapchat sending filtered pictures to my friends. I am constantly taking pictures. Of everything. Sunsets, sunrises, cool looking clouds, my family, my dog, my best friends – everything. It might seem crazy for some, because why is the outfit I wore on my sophomore year of college so important?
To me, everything I do each and every day is a memory, and if I document it in some way, shape, or form, I will always be able to remember or reminisce about that situation in the future. Everything I photograph, write about, or even talk about, is either something incredibly special and close to my heart, or it was a memory I find valuable or filled with happiness. Everything I document is something I want to remember, because it reminds me of when I felt happy and content, or I feel the need to remember it in order to help others or myself in the future.
To me documentation is making and writing history, with a focus on experiences and special memories. We learn about the history of the United States through textbooks and pictures. In this day and age, we are beginning to learn about history through more technological means, such as pictures, videos and the Internet. What I wore on my first day of my sophomore year of college may not be relevant to the history of the United States, but it might be fun to discuss and talk about with my kids in the future, or laugh about how ugly my outfit will probably be considered to be 20 years from now.
All of this documentation is a way of communication, whether I am sharing a picture on social media, snapping it to my best friend, or saving it for myself. Some of my writings are shared on Odyssey, some are shared with my friends, and some are just for myself. No matter what form of communication these documentations take, all of the documented items and events are special to me.
I will end this with a simple quote.
“If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.” – Unknown.