This is in response the stop whoring out your undiagnosed mental illness article. You don't need a doctor's note to diagnose mental illness. There's already a strong stigma around mental illness so why make it worse? Now, of course, some people do pretend they have a mental illness when they don't. It's just life, you take the good with the bad. But how many of you know someone that is truly faking a mental illness? Chances are most of you don't. That goes to show you how uncommon that even is.
Having a mental illness isn't fun. And the reason people like me speak out on it is so no one feels alone. It's not to look for attention, or "whore out" our illness. It's to share our battle with others so they know they aren't alone. Do you know what it's like battling your own mind daily? Having to push yourself out of bed to get through the day. Or having irrational fears that you know are irrational but can't turn your brain off? If you don't then I'm sorry but shut your mouth. Don't go attacking people when you don't know what it's like.
Anyone with ANY sickness will speak out on it to help bring awareness and let others know they aren't alone. I've been open with my mom's cancer journey does that mean I'm "whoring out" her illness? No, it means I'm sharing her story so other people my age that have parents that are sick can know they aren't alone. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato are prime examples of battling illnesses. Selena battles lupus and mental illness, while Demi battles mental illness and addiction. Talking about it is bringing light to problems that people maybe didn't know how to deal with, or didn't even know these illnesses existed.
I suffered a year and a half in silence with anxiety before being "formally" diagnosed. Anxiety is the most common mental illness out there, many more are suffering from it than you think. Most mental illnesses you can diagnose on your own. Does it help to go to the doctor to get help? Absolutely. Please if you are feeling that way get help. But you don't need a doctor to tell you it's okay to feel the way you feel. Everyone's battle and struggle are different, so don't be ashamed of your illness, you aren't "whoring it out", you are making a difference. Trust me.