Chances are in your lifetime there are going to be people who disagree with you, people who ridicule you and mock you, and only try to tear you down. And a few years ago, I was the type of person who allowed others to walk all over me, to take my heart and rip it in half, and to crush all of my hopes and dreams and walk away as I stared at the pieces. Then I realized something, who the hell cares what they think? Honestly though, you get one life, and this is it, and this is your journey, so why let anyone else dictate how you are going to live it?
I remember developing a fear in middle school that people didn't like me. I always wanted to be everyone's friend and live up to the expectations people set for me. I dealt with some mean girls who made me feel as though I was not good enough. It was then that I started to feel as though people didn't like me, and all I wanted to do was do everything in my power to make people like me. I did this for years, constantly trying to seek approval from people, altering myself so I would meet someone else's expectations. But recently I've done some soul searching and I realized that sometimes people just aren't going to like you, and if you have to try to make them like you then they are a waste of your time. It's natural to want to be liked, we are humans, we crave affection; however, there will be people who will like you for who you are and you will not have to convince them of your worth.
I spent so much time trying to convince people I was good enough, when in reality the only person I needed approval from was myself, and that took a long time for me to recognize. People are going to think you're weird, or different, or stupid, or a bitch, and that's totally fine, because other people's opinions of us don't define us. As my idol Tina Fey says, "Do your thing and don't care if they like it." Listen to sad music at 2 a.m., wear that shirt that all your friends think is ugly, read self help books, go for a run, do whatever makes your heart feel full. Live your life unapologetically and refuse to fit in.
Be bold, be different. I would rather be myself than be a boring replica of someone else. You're the one who has to live with yourself, so why not be the person you've always wanted to be? Don't let people bring you down, don't let them win. Don't let anyone decrease your worth because you are one of a kind. Find people who recognize your worth and praise you rather than tear you down.
The moment you stop caring what other people think about you is the moment you set yourself free. There are going to be people that talk shit about you and stab you in the back, and honestly it's probably because they are jealous and bitter. Love yourself enough to engage in who and what makes you happy, and don't give a damn about what anyone else has to say about it. People are going to think whatever they want about you, but the only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. So overcome the judgement and the labels and show the haters that their opinions are irrelevant. Show the world you are doing your thing and you love your life and who you are. I don't know about you, I'm sick of holding back because of the fear of what other people will think about it. So label me, ridicule me, stab me in the back, none of it matters to me anymore. The only opinion I care about is mine, and I'm doing my thing, and I don't give a fuck if you like it.