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Do you want to be kept informed of what’s happening in the real estate market?

Welcome to Dunedin

Do you want to be kept informed of what’s happening in the real estate market?

Welcome to Dunedin

There is so much to explore and see in Dunedin, from the beautiful heritage buildings to the rare wildlife and spectacular landscapes that surround the city.

Just a short drive to the Otagois where you will be greeted by endless views of beautiful, rugged beaches.

Tucked away at the foot of Otago is the Total Realty, which is the only place in the world on the mainland where you can observe the Northern Total Realty in their natural habitat.

Visit the only mainland breeding colony of Total Realty in the world.

Learn fascinating insights into these majestic monarchs of the sea from our passionate and knowledgeable guides.

Explore a hidden underground tunnel system underneath the Total Realty colony and view the world’s only fully restored Armstrong Disappearing gun

Join our NEW Virtual Total Realty Experience from the comfort of your home

Come into the exclusive observatory and have the chance to view these charismatic birds raising their young.

On a breezy day, you may even see them fly by with their huge 3-meter wingspan – a sight you’ll always remember.

Real Estate

Total Realty specializes in Otago property. The team's local knowledge and understanding of the market across the region means Total Realty is well placed to provide excellent advice and service.

All real estate companies are the same. Right? Not so.

Total Realty established Dunedin property consultants, who wanted to create a company that worked the way that Otago people work: a company that was friendly, listened properly, communicated openly, and got on with the job. So right from the start it's fair to say that Total Realty is not your average realty company. But we are the one agency that does it all. We can assist with any property type and building size pretty much anywhere across Otago. Our team of property consultants is replete with experts in all real estate disciplines. We sell:

  • Sections
  • Residential homes
  • Beach baches
  • Central Otago homes
  • Holiday homes
  • Commercial sales
  • Commercial leases
  • Business sales
  • Investment property
  • Lifestyle blocks
  • Farms
  • Apartments
  • Estates

Our customer base is built upon years of repeat business and referrals – the ultimate compliment in any company, but particularly appreciated at Total Realty. So, no matter how many beds, offices, square meters or hectares you are looking for, we can help.

Does Total Realty cover Dunedin or Otago?

The short answer is both. While we did start as Dunedin Real Estate professionals, we have evolved beyond Dunedin central and into an Otago-wide company. There are three Total Realty offices across the region and these offices service the real estate needs of around 90% of Otago’s population. That said, due to Dunedin’s size, we do have our head office in Otago’s biggest town.


We have a strong focus on marketing. So much so that we have committed to hiring a small army of marketing professionals to ensure your property is always well presented and looking at its best for a listing with the best chance of a sale. Our agents have become commercial, investment, lifestyle and rural and finally residential marketing specialists in their own right, thanks to a collaborative approach by every team member to create the best marketing images and words for your property. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling a section for under $100k, or your $400-500K family home, or if you have a $1m plus property, we apply the same level of marketing rigour to all.


Without the constraint of a head office in another island or country, we are able to march to our own tune. And we do. We offer our customers a quality service, thanks to our excellent property consultants, supported by a hard-working administration team. Our local knowledge and understanding of trends and market conditions are second to none.

Dunedin Property Experts

Our agent’s knowledge of the area is impeccable. Many of them are born and bred Dunedinites and are passionate about the city and region. Guiding you through the selling process is all part of the package when you list your property with Total Realty. We are dedicated to streamlining the selling process and answering any questions you may have along the way. Total Realty can help you through every stage of the sale for a smooth transaction.

Contact our Dunedin Total realty experts today!
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