When did guns and money become the only source of power that people felt they needed? When did it become so easy for the mentally ill, terrorists and criminals to access automatic weapons? When did some people decide that it was rational to kill based on race, religion, sexual orientation or hate?
I am greatly saddened by the recent events that happened in Orlando, and I'm horrified by people's reactions to the mass shooting.
I recently heard on the radio gun sales have dramatically risen since the shooting. The very day it happened I went to the gun store with my fiance and the gun salesmen said that although it takes a moment for the tragedy to sink in, the next day he expected an increase in sales.
While scrolling through Facebook, I have seen hate speech intermixed with the prayers and sorrow people have posted. People have been saying those embodied in the shooting deserved to die. That finally someone had the nerve to attack a group of people we are better off without.
In reports on the news and through videos on Facebook, I have heard accounts of Islamic and Muslim fear rising. More than ever, people are looking to harm, remove and ban Muslims in the United States—all because the terrorist who killed 50 people at a night club in Orlando claimed to be a part of ISIS. I'm afraid that the majority of the country wants to have another war on terror and I don't think the first one has solved anything.
In light of the county's reaction I am making a plea: I beg of you, don't make any rash decisions. Don't try to be a martyr or a hero by hunting down the people you fear or hate, whether they are muslim, part of the LGBTQ community or any other group. The actions of one radical group, of one lone wolf does not define the character and behavior of a whole religion, race. And just because you do not agree with or understand someone who has a different sexual orientation than you, doesn't make them any less human.
Please don't demonize those who you don't agree with either. Republicans are not evil and do not support mass shooting because they don't want to make stronger gun regulations. Democrats don't want to take away your second amendment by adding stronger gun regulations either. Both conservatives and liberals are devastated by Orlando's mass shooting and are reacting the best way they know how.
Don't let this act of terror tear us apart. Let it bring us together. Take action with love and kindness in mind. Follow the example of the thousands of citizens who donated there blood for Orlando survivors, those who have donated money or simply prayed for the safety of their loved ones.
The world is mourning for Orlando's loss. Let's remember the lives of those lost by working together to make this world a more loving and unified place. If we allow ourselves to act based off of fear and hatred, those who have suffered and perished from those actions have died in vain.