Throughout high school and college, countless people come in and out of your life. You will meet people that are meant to be in your life and some that are just meant to pass through. No matter what, you need other people to help you get through the difficult years called high school and college.
Students often times find themselves juggling different groups of friends: their work friends, class friends and then friends that turn into roommates. Having friends in all different places is the norm.
Remember the person you sat next to in class, last year or even four years ago? The person you sat next to who became your best friend in the classroom, but you would rarely see outside the classroom? The person that became your go to person for anything academic? You knew you could turn to them for homework help, or notes if you missed class.
But now that the semester is over, are you still friends with the person you talked to every other day for fifty minutes? That semester you were the best of friends. What happened after that? Why didn't you stay in touch? Was it that you thought you were too different? Were you only friends with them simply because they sat next to you?
People easily forget the friends they made in class once the course is completed, because they no longer see each other or think they do not have enough in common to remain friends. The classroom is what brought you together, but now that the semester is over, you go back to being strangers.
Whatever your reasoning for not continuing a relationship with a classmate, you should think again. It's always important to keep up with relationships, because as you get older, you never know when the friend you sat next to in math class, could become your biggest connection in the real world.
It's a part of the college experience that students think little of and it's a part of life that is all too clear. Some people are meant to stay in your life while some come and go. Make sure to pick wisely and don't lose out on relationships, just because you aren't best friends with the person. It's okay to stay friends with someone you thought you would only know for the semester, even though they may not be exactly like you. It is often times the people that are completely different than you that will push you to be the best you can be. They see a different side of you then your friends who only know the girl that goes out every weekend. Don't be afraid to reach out to the person you sat next to two years ago. You never know what could come of it. Sometimes these friendships are not made to last, but sometimes your classmates turn into your best friends.