One of the reasons I even considered doing this (writing for the Odyssey) is a reason that is really important to me. Art. Art is everything. It may sound kind of cliche, but even this laptop was created in a way that looks attractive. I am sure the person even creating it thought it was therapeutic to do so. Writing to me is like a form of therapy and a form of art. I am expressing myself in a way that is not just in thought. I am writing it down in a style that I think is attractive. After I am done writing this, I feel a sense of relief. This is like a form of therapy to me. I am being brave enough to let the public know my opinions and thoughts and feelings.
When I am going through a time of transformation in my life I always look for my notebook and a pen, I turn on some music, and I write away. I write every single thing going through my head. I put it down on paper. You need to put down all the weird thoughts, even the ones you think you should not have. I know you have them, everyone does. You really should try it. This is my art. Some can draw and write really creatively, I like to talk. Talking and writing is my art. Which is so important. I mean you all should feel blessed to get to read my art for free. I am just being silly.
Anyways, I guess I want this article to focus more on doing things that make your heart sing. what makes you so happy you get goose bumps when you do it? That is what you need to do and dive right in. If you have ever seen Steve Jobs TED talk, it explains this. You already know what you want to become. There are lots of outside sources trying to get in the way of that. I know this may not clearly relate to "art is everything" but it should. If you are doing what you love, it will be a form of art.
Life is kind of strange, isn't it? Realizing that what you love may be something that you may not do can be extremely stressful. It is something that all of us really want, and for the most part, there is no clear way on how to get to where we want to go. We are told college makes your resume look good, and if your resume looks good you'll get a good job. Once you have the good job, you will make good money, and then you will finally reach happiness. I find that so strange. I think there are ways to always do what you love. Then you just keep on finding ways to make it into a career. That is a form of art. Listen to your heart. It wants what is best for you, and it wants you to feel at peace. This is something that is precious, and is worth more than any college degree.