Hey Ladies,
Let’s talk about a phrase I know we’ve all heard at some point. Whether we’ve said it to someone else *guilty* or heard it, “you deserve better.”
I don’t know how I feel about that phrase.
I suppose context matters, but more often than not, it’s said to a college-age girl about the guy she’s currently dating.
Why do people say that?
Probably to generically address some flaw they see in your relationship or partner without actually acknowledging whatever it is that they see unfit.
Do you deserve better?
First of all, what even is “better”? Is it romantic gestures? Spending more quality time together? Treating you respectfully? Giving you more of their attention? Listening?
Whatever it may be, one thing you absolutely deserve above all else is respect. As for the rest...
Do we hold unreasonable expectations for college-age guys?
They’ve got a lot going on too. Some of them just aren’t as romantic or thoughtful as the viral prom-posals would lead us to believe.
Does that mean they are not boyfriend or, ladies let’s slow down but, husband material?
No! I don’t think I’m making excuses when I say guys are having just as hard of a time as we are in school and life. If they are not meeting your “expectations”, which are probably heavily influenced by Nicholas Sparks novels, rom coms, and mushy social media posts, it’s not because they don’t care about you. Everyone is doing there best: growing, maturing, and taking Ls. So let’s cut our guys a little slack. Nobody’s perfect.