Do You Choose To Be Smooth? | The Odyssey Online
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Do You Choose To Be Smooth?

How much time and money do you spend shaving?

Do You Choose To Be Smooth?
Huffington Post

What’s the deal with shaving?

Warmer weather to many means sandals, shorts and cute dresses. But before you don this season latest fashion options, are you going to shave?

According to Glamour Magazine, Women in the United States spend shave an average of “12 days per month in the summer shaving.”

With numbers like that, average shaving costs add up in a life time to “$10,000 per women spent between razors, shaving cream, waxing and other shaving costs.”

Do you shave ever day? How about every other day? According to the Huffington Post, women spend approximately “17,025 hours of their lives shaving their leg hairs”. This number of course does not include time spent shaving underarms or anywhere else.

Men also spend a lot of their free time shaving. According to Gillette’s website, men spend an average of 71 days of their lives shaving their faces.

On average, men spend less time and significantly less money shaving in their lives. Gillette says women are more likely to use disposable razors (which over time adds up to more money spend). Also women are more likely to shave larger areas and more hairs over their bodies than their male counterparts.

A men’s razor will cost an average of 70 cents less per blade than a woman’s razor with the same number of blades (So I guess it’s more cost effective for everyone to just buy men’s razors?) Also, women’s shaving cream costs an average of 13 cents more per ounce than men’s shaving cream (I have no problem smelling like a guy to save some money.)

Over the last 25 years, both men’s and woman’s razor sales have fallen as much as 10% said the Wall Street Journal. More men are growing beards and opting to pass on the shaving. Currently, women are choosing to pass on shaving as much now as were during the 1960’s, and women who are shaving are often only choosing to shave during swimsuit season.

Despite a rise in sales in thong and other more revealing underwear, more women are currently choosing to not shave their downstairs than in the last twenty years.

So whether or not you choose to be smooth, the number of options available to consumers today is at an all-time high in recent years. And for those of you who choose not to shave at all, you are not alone. A whopping 13% of men and 4% of women report choosing not to shave and embrace their body hairs.

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