Gender inequality is omnipresent. By succumbing to gender-based assumptions, we are only prolonging the issue. A promiscuous girl is looked down upon, but a promiscuous boy is high-fived and praised by his friends. Women are labeled “sluts” or “whores,” but men are called “man-whores,” a female-associated word with “man” in front of it. Gender stereotypes plague us everyday. Although this problem is frequently subconscious, it demonstrates that gender inequality is inherent in our culture.
While mopping the floor one day at work, a male customer told me that I “would make an excellent housewife.” That day, I momentarily felt weighed down by my gender when being female is something I take pride in. The customer’s comment conveyed that he was strictly thinking in terms of gender stereotypes. With one comment, the customer presented the belief that women cannot be anything other than housewives and mothers. This encounter is one of the many reasons why I participate in the feminist movement- a movement that strives to break down the walls of division between genders.
Emma Watson’s speech to the United Nations is one movement that I look to for guidance and inspiration. Watson’s HeForShe campaign was created to include men in her mission to promote gender equality. Her belief that men should be welcomed is simple; she says, “How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation?” Gender inequality is a pressing issue of the 21st century and we must welcome both genders into the fight to combat it. I completely support Watson’s mission, however, I believe she had the right theory, but the wrong words used to express it.
Gender-based assumptions can be destroyed if every man and woman is included in the fight against them. Unfortunately, Watson’s campaign title does not represent men and women working hand-in-hand. “HeForShe” seems to indicate that if men contribute to the movement, gender equality can be achieved. The true mission, however is for men and women to work equally to overcome patriarchy. In my opinion, this campaign should be regarded as HeWithShe or SheWithHe to embody the shared efforts to establish a world free of gender divisions.
Watson said, “If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are -- we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom.” I want that freedom to be more than a female-only opportunity. Men should also be afforded the opportunity to have freedom from the gender restrictions that burden them. Neither females nor males should be weighed down by their genders, but rather given the freedom to reject stereotypes. Decisions about how one will lead his or her life should not be determined by gender, but by an individual’s desire, capabilities, motivation, and goals. Such qualities are found in both genders equally, and thus he must work with she.