I'm a junior in college, and I'm switching my major.
My whole life people told me to "follow my dreams" while also tacking on the "but be realistic" mantra. They would tell me to do what I want but make sure I can definitely have a future in it. I was told over and over again to never major in psychology or sociology because the chances of getting a job with just a bachelor's degree were slim to none. I was told that majoring in business or becoming a nurse or a doctor was the more "realistic" option. The contradictions for advice on how to live my life were endless.
I understand where everyone is coming from; they want me to have a successful life with the opportunity to make money and be well off. My question is who said the only way to be happy was if you made a lot of money? How can you ever be actually happy if you don't enjoy going to work every single day? And for crying out loud, who says you can't do what you love WHILE making a lot of money? Call me crazy, but I'd rather love my job than be guaranteed to have an abundance of cash. I'd rather not dread waking up every day of the week in exchange for that second vacation a year or fancy beach house.
"Money doesn't buy happiness;" you hear it every single day. If this is true, then why is there a societal push to pursue a high paying degree? I'm sorry, but my dreams don't involve taking blood or using multiple excel sheets. If I succeed in my career choice, I am still able to make the money I need to live the lifestyle I want. I don't have to be an accountant or in the medical field to earn the money I need to support myself. I applaud anyone who is passionate about these careers; you are following your dreams, and for that, you should be proud.
It's okay to not know what you want to do for the rest of your life. You shouldn't have to feel pressured into knowing just as much as you shouldn't be pushed toward a career that doesn't interest you. You can make just as much money doing what you love as you can doing something you aren't interested in, so why not choose the thing you love?
It's okay to take your time to figure out what you truly enjoy doing. The day will come. You're going to spend the rest of your life in this field; you might as well do something you're passionate about.
I'm a junior in college, and I'm starting my journey over because I have dreams my previous major couldn't help me achieve. Don't be afraid to pursue your biggest dreams, and know that it is never too late to get to where you really want to be.