The fact that we live in a world that encapsulates billions of human beings means that we can feel connected and isolated all at once. With the constant use of social media and online connections, it feels that we’re with people 24/7, which makes it more difficult to not do things in groups. This mindset then makes it seem that those who go out alone to be more independent and in control, when we all should be that way for our own benefit. But often enough, I feel that everything I do needs to be done with a friend: going out, shopping, riding the bus, eating, etc. I had it programmed in my brain that nearly every action needs to be shared with someone else and I would feel weird being by myself because of that constricting mindset. But it wasn't until college, where I am miles away from home, that I realized how necessary it is to, as simple as it may sound, be able to do things on your own.
When I would try to go out on a walk alone, I would feel misplaced simply because of the fact that I was used to being surrounded by people when completing virtually any action. I always envied those who were able to travel and adventure out on their own, but never saw that it was for me, which is silly now that I think about it. Because in a world where we’re constantly connecting with each other, it’s important to not neglect the one with ourself. It’s important to be able to sit down in a park, alone, coffee in hand, while people watching. There’s no pressure to keep up a conversation and a safe space is created to enjoy the contentedness of your own well-being.
It may be part of "adulting" and growing up, but going out alone to do something as simple as grocery shopping is important because it enhances your self-awareness, cautiousness, and motor skills. Understanding the signals of safety and danger in all environments. As silly as it sounds, it’s easy to forget that we’re individuals- our own person- that are capable of doing what we could do with others all on our own. It can be scary having to venture out to the world alone, not knowing what will happen, but at the same time we shouldn't be focused on the negative "what ifs". It will prevent us from ever getting anything done.