Everyone needs a break during his or her days. It’s only natural, and our bodies aren’t automatons that can do everything we need in a given day. That’s understandable. Yet, aside from school/work/volunteering/whatever else you do in a given day I believe that when it comes to outside of school and/or work we have to do something everyday that’s conducive to us. What’s that for me: writing these articles is something I place under work, but writing music or poetry is therapeutic to me (hence why more pieces have a poem at the end). There’s this sense in my mind that no matter what I do in a given day, as long as it was genuinely productive in school, work and personally, it’s a successful day in my book.
Look at your schedule in life, what is it you do every given day? Work for eight hours, or school for five or six hours, two hours to get ready to leave and come back home. There goes a solid ten to eleven hours of your day (assuming traffic isn’t terrible and you don’t have kids with their own commitments) and that sucks until you realize the important part that others overlook. We still have about five hours at least left to do something in the day. Let me break it down on the assumption we have a consistent schedule:
Wake up: 7:00
Get Ready: 7:00-8:00
Go to Work/School: 8:00-9:00 (Listen to a Podcast or Audiobook)
Work/School: 9:00-5:00 (Lunch and Breaks In Between)
Get Home: 5:00-6:00
Make and Eat Dinner: 6:00-7:00
Do Something (Read, Workout, etc.): 7:00-8:00
Relax: 8:00-9:00
Make a Craft: 9:00-10:00
Wind Day Down/Go to Bed: 10:00-11:00
Sleep: 11:00-7:00 (8 hours of sleep)
Most importantly, do something you love everyday, I cannot dare stress that enough. It’d be nice if you did a job/career you love, but as many have told me time and time again, “even a career you love becomes a job.” Outside of all of that, of all the schooling and/or work, do something that you enjoy and that makes you happy, do it everyday. Life is far too short, too fickle, to just sit back and be an automaton. It’s also very valuable, time isn’t money cause if you’re out of money you aren’t out of time automatically. In the words of J. Cole, “They say time is money, but really it’s not, if we ever go broke babe time is all we got.” Money is important, but it shouldn’t drive you in all aspects. What do you love? Let’s say you loved making videos. Make a video every day; even if it makes no sense and turns out dumb, you’re doing what you love. That’s what matters. I would hate to be on my deathbed and think, “I worked my entire life and have little to show for it.” You don’t get to die with the money you made, you get to die with the memories and the satisfaction of all you did in life.
Lately I've been thinking of what I want to make, what to create, there's a few things. I want to make some moves: work on a book, work on short movies...other things. There's been little steps towards those. I think it's time to jump into those. Let fear go. Grab the next vine. Everyday is a new opportunity to create. Lately I felt that my life is stagnating because it's comforting, it's not challenging, it's routine. I thought of that a few days ago; I believe I need to push for more. If you're not already pushing yourself to the limit, why not go for it?
Finally, it’s really about what you want to be known for: someone who worked for a living and did a few little things? Or someone who did what they wanted in life, expecting nothing less of themselves? Count on yourself. Do something everyday.