Winter Break: the long break from college that all of us college students can’t wait for. Labor Day Break is a tease for Fall Break, which is a tease for Thanksgiving Break, which is a tease for Winter Break. When Winter Break finally comes, it is exactly what we college students need. When this wonderfully long break rolls around there are some things we just can’t wait to do.
1. Not worry about homework.
After many weeks of hard work and days of preparing for those things we call finals, Winter Break is the perfect time to relax and not worry about any homework. Unlike high school, finals are over before the break in college so take this time to relax and watch too many hours of Netflix.
2. Sleep.
We may sleep more during finals than we do during the school year but that doesn’t mean we are all caught up before we get home for break. Taking an extra hour or two each night to sleep is just what the doctor ordered for college students over break.
3. Eat real food.
Going into college we all told ourselves that our eating habits wouldn’t change that much but let’s be honest, how many of us can say we still eat as healthy as we did at home? There is just something about real food that makes the college kid’s heart happy. Enjoy it. You only have four to five weeks with this wonderful food.
4. Spend time with our pets.
The things that got us through that last final we just didn’t feel like taking: our pets. Hold them close and hug them extra because just like the real food they will be gone before you know it. Spend an extra few minutes with them every day -- they missed you just as much, if not more than you missed them.
5. Decorate for the holidays.
If you are anything like me you love decorating. Going to college, though, added a little something to decorating for the holidays. College made going home to decorate a little extra special so enjoy it and don’t complain when your mom asks you to go get the holiday boxes out from the garage.
6. Spend time with family.
This truly is a special activity that we often take for granted in high school. Family is good. We need family. Spend some time with family and answer all of those annoying questions your family asks about school and your life. They only ask because they care and love you.
7. Get excited for the new semester.
Finally, get excited. We have a new semester with new classes and new people coming up! Yes, if we didn’t have this long break to relax I’m not sure any of us would make it to a new semester, but we do have this break so spend a little time getting excited for it!