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Don't Worry

Your life is never what you expect.

Don't Worry

Dear Younger Me,

I know for a fact that if someone came up to you in the hallway of whatever school you were in at the time, and told you that your life would be like this, you wouldn't believe them. You had a plan for your entire life based on how you were feeling in life and who was in your life. I know you thought that the boy you're dating now who tells you you're beautiful every day and blesses you every day with a good morning text would be it. That if he said "I love you," that meant you would stay together until you died. It must have been a really bad wake up call when he cheated on you with your best friend at the time. Don't worry, you get over him eventually.

You thought that your best friend since you learned to walk would be by your side for the rest of your life. You would be each others maid of honor and that you would end up living next door to each other in the future. Even though you fight occasionally, you always make up so you know that nothing in the future can hurt your relationship that bad. I can only imagine how it felt when your relationship ended due to just drifting apart and becoming part of a different "clique." Don't worry, you guys reconnect a few years later in life with occasional texts and Snapchats.

Remember how you thought that community college was an unachievable goal? Passing your classes with a C+ was a legendary moment at the end of the year, giving you hope that you'll make it to the next year and hopefully not fail out of school. Being forced to go to extra help was the most embarrassing time of your life. Don't worry, it all pays off later in college when you keep getting on the Deans List.

Back then, it was impossible to convince you that your parents were NOT ruining your life. Those times they wouldn't let you go out on a school night or sleepover at a friends house unless your room was clean were, apparently, the end of the world. You thought that they were ruining your social life and holding you back from experiencing new things. Don't worry, you didn't miss much. Also, later in life when you can do whatever you want, you'll wish they were there to tell you what to do and what not to do.

There was that long period of time where you didn't have a phone. How were you supposed to talk to your friends if you weren't at home near the phone or the computer? You had to tell your friends what was going on and what you were doing. Don't worry, you get a phone eventually. In fact, you sometimes wish that you didn't have to update people on where you were at all times.

You used to have a plan for your life. Possibly graduate high school, marry that boy in your math class by the age of 21, have four kids by the age of 25, have a job somewhere like McDonald's that can help you pay bills. Don't worry. Although you're 19 now and nowhere close to any of these, you're still happy. Don't worry!



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