Why in the world does one think it is okay to say the N-word ever? There is never an appropriate time to use the N-word in any way casually. For those of you who are still confused let me give you a list of times it is to use it is not okay to use the N-word.
1. When referring to someone as your homie/brother.
If you are happy with someone and you feel like they are your brother/homie, why don't you just tell them that? Refer to them as a homie or brother. Why the heck do you feel like you have to use the N-word to show your affection. I am sure your friend will feel loved regardless.
2. Singing a song that has the N-word in it.
First of all, there should not even be songs that use the N word, but since there is I am saying do not sing. I do not give a damn if it is a song and you are simply singing along. Just don't do it, seriously don't.
3. When you are talking to your black friend or a black person in general.
A lot of you are like that is a no-brainer apparently not because a lot of individuals do not know that. Here is the thing there was this thing called slavery where African Africans were mistreated in every way possible, and oh yeah their masters used the N word as a derogatory word to show them their place.
4. When you are secretly talking to your friends about it.
Legit, just stop using the dang word. It is not that hard. Talk to your friends about the N word because that is fine, but do not use the word as a way to get back at the people who say it is not okay for you to use it in any manner.
5. Because you think it is funny.
It is never funny. I do not even know why I have to tell people it is not funny. Like how do you think that is even funny. Let me say it is not funny. You are insulting a whole group of people every time you use the N word. How can that even be remotely funny?
The bottom line is you should never use the N word. I mean like never!!! IT IS NOT OKAY. IT IS NOT FUNNY!! I do not lack a sense of humor just because I don't find that crap funny. It is offensive without a doubt. And not in the PC type of way, but in a common sense kind of way. It is not funny to say hey my N at all. It is not okay to make a group of people feels less than ever. Place yourself in their shoes. Cliche I know, but true. Would you want to be reminded of a past rooted in pain all the time? Would you want to be reminded of the fact that you simply scum to a lot of people? All I want to say is think before you say something. Ask yourself is the N-word just a word or does it mean more because it does mean more.