In light of the recent election I have seen many posts about Trump some horrible, bad, and good. I have seen posts and protests against Trump saying he is not our president, and while I support that until the end of time, in reality he is actually our President.
Trump is a sexist, racist, misogynistic man who we the people elected. You and I may not have personally voted for him but in the end he is the one that was chosen to represent our country and protect our democracy. While that makes me sick I have decided to accept that he is my President. But I refuse to accept the idea that there is nothing I can do about it.
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I will never support anyone, not just Trump, who has been accused of sexually assaulting women, talked about retracting basic human rights, and has talked about segregating an entire religion and race. America does not deserve a man this horrible to represent us, but he was voted in.
Never in my worst nightmares did I believe this was going to happen. I did not believe that a man of such behavior and attitude could convince enough people that he was fit for Presidency. But here we are days after the election and it has happened. We do not need to divide more than we already are. We, the United States, need to stand together. There is no longer an argument just between Republicans and Democrats, it is our reality.
This is the United States that we are living in now. We are a country built on the phrase “We the people," so what can we the people do? Yes, you can protest this election and the results. If you believe that is the right thing to do then I will support you 100%. If you believe that you must stand alongside Trump as President, by all means, do that.
But, for people like myself who don’t know where to stand in this chaotic mess that we are living in currently, I think I know where you can stand. If you do not stand with him but you may have accepted the fact that he is our President, then you can stand where our rights, democracy, and freedom stand. Stand in the place that allows you to fight together as a united country and protect what you personally believe in, whatever that may be.
We cannot wish for Trump to fail as our President, because if he fails the country fails alongside him. This is a democracy and that includes everyone and everyone’s views, decisions, and opinions. So, during the next few days, months, and even years we need to treat everyone with the respect and equality that everyone deserves. It should not matter what differences you believe you see in another person, we all deserve this kind of respect and kindness.
We all have different views and opinions. We are all entitled to believe what we choose to believe.