You probably read this title and figured this story would be some kind of debate about what people believe in. Let me tell you that you are wrong. I always find myself in very uncomfortable situations when people look at me and say "oh you're Catholic?" like that is the worst possible thing that could have come out of my mouth. Yes I am Catholic and no I am not trying to condemn anyone for not believing in what I believe.
Catholics and all people of religion seem to be put into different groups based off our beliefs as a whole. I will be the first to admit I do not support everything in the bible, as well as everything the Priest says on Sunday. I don't think that you go to hell if you don't believe in my religion and I am not going to try and convert you to believe in it either.
As a young Catholic women who grew up with the basis of religion let me explain to you why I do not believe in religion.
I believe in faith.
Faith to me is the whole variety of ideas from all different religions that I pick and choose what I believe in. I decided what I think is right and wrong, and I have a higher power that I answer to.
I don't expect everyone to have a higher power, I don't expect everyone to be baptized or be in the front row every Sunday. I only have expectations for my self (also I don't judge you for your choices).
Don't look at me differently when I tell you I can't hangout because I am going to Church. Do not look at me differently because I pray for those I am concerned about. Do not look at me differently for doing the sign of the cross as an ambulance rushes by. Do not look at me differently because I thank God for the food that is on the table in front of me, and the roof over my head.
I do not look at you differently because you think there is no higher power in this world, or that there are three higher powers or that it is scientifically impossible.
I choose to believe in faith, not religion. I choose to believe that there is some higher power that guides and watches us all on our individual journeys. I believe that whoever this higher power may be is all loving and kind, and will not give us something we can not handle. I choose to think that there is a place after death where we are welcomed despite who we are in this life.
So no, I do not have all the beliefs of a Catholic. I am just a Catholic who believes in faith. So the next time you hear someone tell you their religion, do not be so quick to judge them. They are not their religion as a whole, they are an individual in a group. Let them be an individual.
Let me be an individual.