In today's world where social media rules almost anything, it is very easy to get caught up in the lives of other people. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, you name it — we all know them and we see them all throughout our day. We are constantly bombarded with images of people we don't even know, who depict the life we wish we had or even have. Not only is it social media but even people we do know, that we wish our lives were kind of like theirs. Well, here's an idea: how about we stop that? How about let's stop envisioning ourselves in the lives of someone else as if it's our own? I understand that an escape from reality is sometimes needed, as life is rough and tough and it gets to even the best of us, but let's not get so far-fetched that we start to lose even our own identity.
Social media only shows half of what is real, like how the moon shows only one side of Earth. Oftentimes, people will say and do anything to uphold that perfect identity or one as if they can't be touched. Social media should not be our go-to guide for relationship goals, career goals, family goals or whatever other hashtag created from a video or picture as if it is the only ceiling which we are to reach. What are your goals, your dreams? Who do we aspire to be when we're not wasting our time on a screen but when we actually just ponder about it by our self. Our life is for us to find our own passion and calling, where you feel like you're being led to in life. Stop worrying about the next person and what their move is going to be. What is your next move that will help you in your life? You are not going to find it through somebody else and what they are doing. No, you can only discover it from your instinct and the desires of your heart.
What we most often forget is that the plans created for one person do not mean that they are for you too. This is especially true with important moments in life such as career changes and moves, marriage and having kids. We begin to put pressure on ourselves to uphold a standard that either you have placed on yourself or society has placed on you. Do not let that pressure get to you. It will leave you unhappy and on a long, desperate search for something different. Do not let people that you see on an Instagram post or a tweet dictate what you are going to eat in the morning for breakfast or dictate your friendships. The internet is here to connect us in as many ways as it can divide us. It is important to remember who you are and stay that way and become the best you that you can be.