How am I supposed to pay attention when there are 60 students in my class and my professor is reading from the powerpoint super fast?
I ask myself this every time I sit in my biology lecture. I sit in class, pull up my powerpoint, take out my notebook intending to pay attention. I catch myself losing interest after I'm mid-note and she just keeps going. The powerpoint is already 90 slides and she is still adding information during class.
The last thing I want to do is fall asleep, so instead, I play which is a really addicting snake game. At least I don't just sign the attendance sheet and walk out. I try to pay attention, but it is so boring. I'm not going to learn when number one. I'm not interested and number two, the information is just thrown at us.
I dread going to class because I feel like I'm personally not getting anything out of it, but it's a requirement.
Considering I need to pass this class, I figured out how to make my attention span longer by bringing snacks. I'll eat snacks and highlight the powerpoint because writing everything seems to only make me frustrated and lose interest even more.
I wish professors understood that reading from a powerpoint is not entertaining and it's not going to teach some students. Being one of these students is an extreme struggle and I never was in a class like this. The good thing is that I have learned a lesson for next semester.
Sorry not sorry that I do not learn in a lecture hall. I know school is not for entertainment, but it needs to be somewhat interesting to be focused. Professors, please stop reading off of slides super fast because it's not helping anyone. I come to class to learn and not to teach myself after the class.