This title might shock you, or you might be like, "Duh!!! No one has it all together." Whichever your case might be, let me help you: NO ONE HAS IT ALL TOGETHER. I was inspired to write this after talking to a brother about my walk, and then a week later, I failed.
My brother in Christ asked me, "How do you do it? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but how do you have the time? Because you seem to have it all together." He further went on spiritually about any struggles I might be battling with in the flesh. I told him LOUD AND CLEAR that everyone has some sort of battle, especially Christians. I told him that no one has it all together as long as they are in this flesh. I said, "If anyone tells you they are so Holy that they are not fighting with anything, they are simply lying because even Jesus was tempted." So who are we? Please read Matthew 4:1-11 to learn about how the enemy tempted Jesus in the wilderness.
As Christians, we ought to be real with other Christians; to encourage them, so they can know that they are not alone in this fight. But, we should also be real to the world so they can know that they don't need to have it all together to come to Christ, because He is the one that is doing all the work and putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, and we just have to participate.
No matter where you are in life, I want you to know that God is the one that is changing my heart. He is the one that cleanses us, He is the one that changes our attitude, and He is the one that is molding us to become better. I feel that a lot of Christians do a poor job when telling others what Christianity really is. A lot of us forget where God took us and lose sight of our salvation story, which makes it so easy to judge people who are in the same sin that we used to dwell in.
Not having it all together doesn't mean that we have to live a miserable life, feeling sorry for ourselves all of the time, or complain at all times about how much we don't have it all together. We can still thrive to live life to the fullest by living by and for the word of God. If you know me personally, you probably know that I like to smile. You probably know that I am very welcoming and I like to talk a lot, and I try my very best to keep it positive every time I open my mouth. But I still don't have it all together.
I struggle academically, just like you. I struggle economically, just like you. I don't have a perfect family, just like you. I doubt at times, just like you. I get anxious of the unknown, just like you. I constantly struggle with the flesh, just like you. I get tempted, just like you. I don't always have the best ideas, just like you. I could list countless struggles that I have in my life right now to remind you that you are not alone, and I am right there with you.
But I serve a faithful God who creates all things and who can and will put it all together for you and me, little by little. Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Next time you feel like you don't have it all together, smile at the mirror and tell yourself that everything will be alright, because you have a loving and compassionate God. ~ Daenne D