If you are like me, you are careful about what you eat. In my case, I try to go to the gym (I should go more often), I count my calories, I count each step I walk, I replace many ingredients for healthier ones — I do not eat out of my house because I do not want to lose control of what I eat, and many other rules in my life.
I make many sacrifices each day to be healthy and to no get more weight. For that reason, I have learned that we sabotage ourselves with small details. What is the point of going to the gym for hours if we get calories foolishly? I mean that after being too careful, sometimes, we make mistakes. One of those mistakes is drinking calories.
We are so lucky because we have water in our lives. Yes, water. The water does not have calories, but we choose beverages that break our diet. Here I show you six drinks which are adding calories in your life (calories you can avoid with water).
1. Sodas
I start with the most obvious: sodas. A can of "Coca-Cola" has 140 calories and 39g of sugar. That is the only one can. Each time you drink soda, you are getting empty calories which do not help anybody. What about light sodas? Yes, they do not have too many calories of sugar, but only drinking a can of "Coke Zero" you are taking: carbonated water, caramel color, phosphoric acid, aspartame, potassium benzoate, natural flavors, potassium citrate, acesulfame potassium, and caffeine. Really? I think it is better a cup of water instead.
2. Alcohol
I love to have a beer or a glass of wine. The best stories of my life start with some alcohol. But, alcohol means empty calories. I am not asking you to stop drinking (only if you have a problem with addiction). What I am saying is you should be careful, and try to drink what it has fewer calories such as vodka, and avoid fruity cocktails.
3. Milk
Milk is part of our lives forever. We drink milk without cereal, coffee, smoothies, or with our Oreos. A cup of milk can have over a hundred calories and eight grams of sugar. My solution is to stop drinking milk — if you are not able to eliminate dairy of your life, you can try some plant milks such as almond milk which only has 20 calories per cup.
4. Juices and smoothies
Juices and smoothies are delicious. Do you want to know something ironic? They are not as healthy as you think. Always it is better to eat the fruit than make a juice. With juice, fruits lose their nutrients and get more sugar. Of course, I am talking about natural extracts because artificial ones are poison. (By the way, a cup of orange juice has 136 calories.)
5. Coffee
The truth is a cup of black coffee only has five calories. Also, only a few people in the world indeed drink plain coffee. We add milk, sugar, honey, cream, and more and more. In my case, I must add milk to my coffee — to me, it is impossible to drink a black coffee, and do not make talk about a Frappuccinos (which I love, and which have over 300 calories).
6. Energy drinks
I am not a fan of energy drinks. I think they scare me. My best piece of advice will always be: do not take energy drinks. Talking about calories, a can of Red Bull has 168 calories.
What about flavored water? They do not have calories, but again, you are adding a lot of unhealthy ingredients to your body without a good reason.
Did you see it? You can save calories if you avoid these beverages. In my case, I prefer to get calories from a piece of chocolate of a cookie than for a drink.