It's easy to fall into a trap. A trap that makes you forgot your core values. A trap that forces you to question who you truly are. A trap that makes you rethink what actually makes you happy. It's an evil trap; a trap that shouldn't exist.
Because you do know who you are. You know your purpose on this Earth. You know what makes you happy. You know what makes you tick. Don't question yourself. Most importantly, don't have other people dictate how you should see yourself. Choose to act and speak with conviction, and never compromise your beliefs.
If one thing is certain in my life, it is who I am and my God given purpose. My parents taught me from a very young age to have confidence and faith in myself, my support network, and God. All else will follow. But, for some reason, this Junior year I had that prized possession slip away from me. I lost my way.
I let myself fall into the trap of not knowing my purpose, doubting myself, and compromising my beliefs. I let one person do this to me. Why did I think this one person who had only known for a little could take this all away from me? It hurts me that I let myself down so easily. I had no confidence. I began to act differently. Quiet, and not sure about what people thought about me. I knew who I was, but I started to question that I was perhaps not who I thought I was.
Ladies and gentlemen, do not fall into this trap. Do not doubt yourself, do not lose your values, do not change for someone else. Put the ball in your court. It is during these times when you become even more sure of yourself. With conviction, you tell people who you are and why you are here. You know it deep down inside, I know you do. Act like you know it!
You are great and you are worth something. Don't let anyone tell you differently. You are loved, you are loving, you are kind, humble, honest, and you are great.
I am very blessed I have encountered such an experience in college though. It has really forced me to soul search, and become one with myself. I am more happy and confident in my beliefs and where I stand than ever. I am learning to overcome obstacles. I am pushed to my limits. I will be prepared in life.
Everything has a purpose. You have a purpose. I have a purpose.
Have a great week.
Alexa LoGiudice