For much of my life (in particular) I have held this fundamental belief that to be strong is to be independent. To make a living in this world you have to rely on yourself and a select few when the pressure gets too much. After a meltdown in the spring of 2016 and an amazing therapist (I recommend every human should have one. It's great to spill out everything to an unbiased source even when you're not seeking advice) I have learned the value of utilizing the people that are already there for you.
For so long I would do physical labor by myself, complicated challenges that require more than one person by myself, try and figure out how I was going to pay for something by myself, starve and not tell anyone I didn't have enough to get food by myself, and starve, by myself. Those were my go to words "I can do it. I'll do it by myself. God, move over I'll just do it." I took the reigns because it was the only thing I knew to do. I believed in the fact that people would fail you. Trusting people is hard and I trust people so very easily but when it comes to certain aspects in life I have to do it by myself.
I have learned that I do not have to do anything alone. Being alone is a choice, whether it is suffering or carrying a box into a building. There is always someone around who will help. There is always someone in your life who cares. So, take this as you will, continue to live your life unapologetically alone because you know what you're doing or gradually become, not less independent, but more aware of those that surround you with their love. Sometimes the only thing that they want to do is help...and although it sounds crazy to badass, independent bitches like's selfish not to let them...because, trust me, you need all the help you can get in this world.