We get it. You are a Christian. You believe in the Bible. You pray the worries away. This is all great, but I don't really care.
In my mere twenty years of existence, I have noticed a common trend amongst one religion in particular: Christianity. Time and time again, I am ambushed by a usually well-meaning Christian trying to spread the word of good ole' Jesus Christ; this often happens while I am rushing to my wretched 8 AM or simply trying to enjoy a day out without talking about my impending doom in Satan's fiery depths of hell.
I am no stranger to the Church; ever since I was a little pea, I was forced to attend these economically thriving institutions of God. I am therefore well-aware of an obligation taken on by many Christians: spreading the word of God. Various verses in the Bible speak about the need to preach God's word to the poor, God-less souls of the physical world. For example, Mark 16:15 states, "And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'"
It is understandable that as Christians, you are proud of your religion and wish to propagate the love of Christ to nonbelievers. It also does not hurt that this act of circulating the Word moves you up the millions of names on God's "Nice" list that you will find as you ascend upon heaven's mighty gates.
Whether you are an innocuous, pleasant Christian or an ignorant, belligerent one, the fact of the matter does not change: your religion does not matter to me, and I will not blindly choose to follow your God. This may sound a little harsh or crude, but I genuinely do respect your religion. I am just asking you to have a little respect for my choice not to adhere to your same God.
As someone who believes in a higher power and does not conform to a set religion, it can be difficult living in such a Christian dominated society. If you do not support a Christian agenda, you are often times automatically presumed to be a heathen of some sort with no decent morals. Your constant effort to make people like me conform is not only exhausting and intrusive but a waste of time.
As cliché as this may sound, the world would be a much better place if we all simply respected each other's separate belief systems. I do not need you to tell me what a sinner I am or how my soul must be saved. I appreciate the help, but I do not need it.
I do not care about your God.