With such busy schedules, a million and a half responsibilities and what feels like infinite to do lists, it is way too easy to forget to take some time to do more of what you love; of what makes you happy; of what makes your life more beautiful, and more meaningful.
We are always running around, constantly on the go, trying to accomplish a hundred and fifty of these bland, and mind-numbing tasks that make you want to roll your eyes, walk away and get back into bed. These draining things can often make two minutes drag on to feel like two, long and painful hours, but there are those things that we truly love, things that make two hours feel like two short, yet magnificent minutes. But, for one reason or another, we don't do enough of those. We rarely stop our busy days to do something that feeds our souls and hearts.
So, today, try to get out of that dull routine, and fill thirty short minutes with bliss and joy by doing one of those things that make your heart beat just a little bit faster, those things that bring a smile to your face, those things that you look forward to and not dread with every fiber of your being.
In our society, being productive, keeping busy, and doing all these things is so important, therefore it is greatly emphasized, so we fill our days with countless tasks, tasks that drain most of our energy. Energy we often fail to replenish, leaving us feeling empty and tired.
Replenishing that energy by taking some time to do what you love is actually not a waste of time, but it is being productive. You can watch an episode of your favorite TV show or read a chapter of the book you have been meaning to start or spend some time with your best friend, and that is not only okay, but it's being productive. That time you spend doing what you love allows for your energy, and well-being to increase and improve, giving you what you need to be able to continue your busy day and finish all those tasks that you may not enjoy as much.
And the next day, when you are feeling drained, empty and exhausted again, you have to do what you love again. In other words, doing more of what you love is not only fun and satisfying, but it is also necessary. You can't expect to accomplish incredible things if you don't take care of yourself first.
Doing more of what you love; of the things that fill you up, is valuing yourself enough to take care of your whole self.
So, now, go and spend a little bit of well-deserved, much-needed time doing more of what you love. You've earned it.