Someday we will be better. Someday we will run faster. Someday we will be the leaders in our fields of choice. If someday isn't today, it might be tomorrow. It might be a year from now. It might be any imaginable length of time which is terrifying. But keep fighting for the someday.
Accept yourself for who you are. Embrace the flaws you possess because those will be the features that propel you past the rest.
Do it for the someday, when your daughters are fighting to be the pretty porcelain dolls that they are supposed to become, painting their faces and obsessing over self image. They will need you as their role model to learn what pretty really means; to be pretty intelligent, pretty noble, pretty confident.
Step off the scale and ignore the number. It is just a number, a quantifiable way for you to diminish your self worth. Step off and run a mile. And then run two and then three.
Do it for the someday when your body is what you want it to be because it can do what you need it to do; when you don't have to look at a number because that number couldn't make you any more confident in your own skin.
Spend the extra hour studying. The impossible tests will hurt your pride and the time you spend in libraries and classrooms will seem monotonous and painful.
Do it for the someday when you hold your diploma high above your head, well prepared to tackle your next adventure and live your dreams.
Smile for the camera, not so that you can post the pictures where everyone will compliment how skinny, how pretty, how shiny, how sexy, how cute you look in 140 characters or less.
Do it for the someday, when you're feeling lonely so that you have tangible memories of happiness. Do it because you can't stop smiling if you try. Capture the moment so you'll never forget it.
Buy the plane ticket. When you need to get away from the city you live in because you're suffocating in your own day to day routine, a little adventure, no matter how short, may be all the inspiration you need to get back on track.
Do it for the someday when you can't remember what you bought with the money you worked so hard to earn, but you still revel in every detail of the trip that introduced you to knew places and cultures and people.
Fail at something. Fail hard. Hit rock bottom with a force that makes the devil jump on his throne. When you land, push yourself back up.
Do it for the someday when you can look back at that fall and realize that the times that felt so hard were easier then they seemed. Do it for the someday when you can look back and know that even when you didn't win, you grew a little bit every time you got back up.