Lately, I have consumed with this process of growing up. I don't understand everything I see, hear, feel or think. I am stuck in this place where I want to be independent and on my own but still feel the need to call my mom just to tell her what I had for breakfast this morning. When I was younger, saying that I wanted to be an adult was me painting this picture in my head of finding prince charming, looking grown and perfect all the time, road trips with friends, and doing whatever I wanted when I wanted. Then I hit reality. There is no royalty in the Midwest, I am way too lazy to do my make up every morning, and being able to do what I want when I want is WAY too expensive. It is not at all what I expected, but isn't that how its suppose to be? Growing up is hard, its fun and exciting, but on days when I have to think about student loans, my future career, and where I wanna be in 10 years, it takes away the happy parts of being a young adult. No, it isn't all rainbows and sunshine like you thought as an 8 year old. Your dreams of being the next Hannah Montana are not looking likely, but you still can be anything you put your mind to.
Sometimes, it seems like you are set up to fail. Certain majors have tests before you even get to walk out with a degree in your hand, that could keep you from receiving it at all. If we do pass the steps, we graduate, then end up searching for a job that more than you are searching for, maybe individuals considered more qualified. Which then makes you question everything that led up to this point. Failures are what lead you to your success. You can't grow without being knocked down a few times. If life wasn't set up that way, everyone would be doing the something. We need to look at failing as a good thing, as a gift. For me, I am terrified of not being successful, of letting people down, especially my parents. Then I realized this, the only way I am letting someone down, is if that person is me. I think some of the problem is, that we think growing up means being responsible over happy. We chose careers based on annual salaries instead of occupations that we are going to be excited to get up and go to work to everyday. Becoming an adult doesn't make you lose your ability to get excited and passionate.
Isn't the beauty of it all that we don't know what our future looks like? We stress so much about what lies ahead and yet so much could change before that time comes. I am no life guru. I can tell you though, that the secret to a happy one starts and ends with what you believe is best for you. The little girl dreams you once had, may have changed slightly, but that doesn't mean you still shouldn't dream. Find your passions, find what gives you peace and joy, and never lose sight on what you value the most. Remember your goals and what makes you happy and always keep that spark going. The fire the is burning in you is what keeps you going, never put it out. If you can't think of a reason to keep the spark in you, do it for the little girl who created it in the first place.