Have you ever thought about traveling?
Have you ever thought, what if I could make a difference?
Most people go overseas to travel for tourism and adventure, but when you go overseas to actually meet the people in the community, it can really change your heart. When you are put in a different environment and unfamiliar surroundings for so long, it changes your perspective on the world around you as well as who God is. You start to ask questions like, "What is my purpose in life?" "How will this experience change my future?" and "How do I describe an experience so life-changing?" Such an experience will change you from the inside out, and you will return home as a different person.
There are going to be times where it will be hard and you will feel uncomfortable. You may experience culture shock, your emotions will go from one extreme to the next, and God will reveal things in your heart that will be hard to handle, but from personal experience, I can tell you that I struggled with internal sins while overseas. I struggled with insecurities and acceptance because I felt my worth came from others, but now I know it comes from God. When you go overseas or on a mission trip and you feel defeated or let down, just remember your strength comes from the Lord and sometimes you have to go through suffering to reach complete fulfillment.
You will also experience a joy you have never felt before, whether it be realizing your self-worth seeming less significant, seeing how the people there are so happy without needing materialistic things, and recognizing how God is still with you across the world even in such a dark place. You will find yourself thanking God for the little things or appreciating the little things such as discovering your favorite meal, finding air conditioning, and using a clean bathroom. These are just little things we take for granted every single day. There is nothing like the true happiness I experienced until I went to SouthEast Asia.
If you are someone who loves adventures and has the heart to go into the nations, I strongly recommend going overseas. It is an experience that will change your life forever. When you leave your mission trip, realize that it isn't over, it's just the beginning of something amazing that God has planned just for you.