Happiness is a state of mind.
A feeling of contentment.
A feeling of breathing fresh air.
A feeling of satisfaction with who you are and what you are doing wholeheartedly.
I can’t say that I have always been happy. The feeling of happiness comes and goes, sunny days and rainy days, not much in between. Much of what I have realized is that my happiness also comes with some fine print. A little note that says, “As long as everybody approves of what I’m doing and is 100 percent supportive.” I have learned the hard way that my happiness should not be cognoscente to how others feel about what I do with my life, and the decisions I make. I have missed out on amazing opportunities and ultimately what God tells me because of this. Slowly but surely I have increased my trust in the Lord and the happiness he provides for me, and decreased the nay-sayers, the overly opinionated and those who do not quite understand what happiness is in their own life but want to dictate mine. Not everyone is going to approve of what makes your soul sing or what makes your life a little brighter, in regards to any and every aspect of your life. Trust God, trust your decision making, trust yourself, and be happy period. No fine print necessary.
“Love and live your life. Silence the noise” – Alex Elle