1. Print out your syllabus
All of them. Even if they're already online, having a paper version is so convenient. Keep them with all of your other notes for each class so you can always just flip back to it when you need it.
2. Write down all of the important dates for the rest of the semester into your calendar and planner
That way you never forget when something is due.
3. Introduce yourself to your professors
Don't underestimate this. Having a good relationship with your professors is so important when it comes to how well you do in that class, and if you need a little extra help at the end of the semester it will help that they actually know who you are.
4. Find a good place to sit in class
Don't sit at the back of the classroom. It makes it so easy to slack off and not pay attention. I recommend sitting closer to the front, there are fewer distractions and it's way easier to be more engaged in the lecture.
5. Make friends in your classes
Not only does it make a class ten times more fun when you know someone in it, but they can be a resource when it comes to studying.
6. Make a class group message
Your classmates are more likely to respond faster than your professor and it's good to have a support group.
7. Figure out where your classes are BEFORE the first day
I always try to walk around campus the day before classes start just so I know exactly where I'm going and so I won't be late, nothing makes a worst first impression than being late.
8. Figure out the bus routes and when you’ll need to leave
Sometimes busses can be unreliable and nothing is more frustrating than being late to class because of this. Help yourself out by figuring out which bus routes you need to take and when so that you can consistently be to class on time.
9. Make sure you know how to get ahold of your professor
Whether that be through email or office hours, knowing how to contact them will help you in the long run.
10. Take the time before classes get crazy to get organized
Before all of your insane due dates get yourself organized at home. Make binders, clean your room, do laundry, and do anything that will alleviate stress on yourself during the semester. You'll thank yourself later.
11. Hang out with friends!
It may be the last time you get to do something with them just for fun. Sure, seeing them during all-nighters in the library is great and all, but being able to hang out stress-free is a luxury we rarely can afford.