It's that time of year again, and I'm not just talking about Christmas. It's finals week!! As you begin your last week of the fall semester, tensions are high and the stress is higher. It's the final countdown before you can relax for weeks. Here are a couple of things that you are probably doing during this stressful time.
1. Pretend finals don't exist.
Maybe if you pretend they aren't real they won't happen... But we know that isn't true.
2. Calculate your grade to see how hard you have to try on your final.
Countless hours are spent crunching numbers and testing scores to see what you could get to keep a letter grade or move up/down one. This time could probably be spent actually studying for the finals, but it's nice to have a little hope.
Books, notes, previous exams, and slides. All of it becomes a blur as you try to remember what you learned almost four months ago.
4. Stress eat two times your body weight.
And you're not stress-eating a salad or wrap either. It's chocolate, fast food, and ramen.
5. Mourn the loss of your good grade.
6. Start a countdown on your phone of when your last final ends.
Days, hours, minutes and even seconds until you are free from the stressful bonds of college classes.
7. Procrastinate studying for your next final.
Netflix will be your greatest distraction at this time as you begin to re-watch an entire series you have seen a hundred times just to prevent yourself from studying.
8. Establishing a homestead in the library to study.
Staying in the library so long that you forget to go home and take a shower.
9. Waiting impatiently for your final grade to show.
Endless pits of worry as you refresh your grade, again and again, hoping it has been posted and isn't horrible.
10. Accept your final grade and know that you are done until next semester.
You gave it your best shot, you tried, that's all anyone can ask. And you can always remember, "Cs get degrees." But hey... FREE AT LAST!!!